Thursday, September 22, 2016

Deja vu all over again

Yogi Berra's famous quote comes to mind often. We were here in June doing work but we were here twice last year and for months in 2014 getting the boat outfitted. But, beyond that we have been provisioning for a really long trip, visiting medical appointments, seeing old friends and going to places we used to frequent.  Driving the beltway in rush hour it almost seems like we never left but then we're back on the boat and this is our reality.

We've spent 2 weeks in Oxford doing some relatively minor repairs and services while we tended to our longer term requirements. Our medical issues are being resolved but will take more time. We have seen many old friends since we've been back in the Bay but we probably won't see many again for a long time unless they come visit us. We have added stores of food and beverages to support us on out trip. But of course at some point they will be exhausted and how we replenish them is still an open question. But we have to stock to get to our first destination.

Pusser's new Gunpowder Proof Rum that finally we got to try.

Other than some routine maintenance the only new addition we completed in Oxford was our companionway security door that we expected to get in Galesville but were not happy with the outcome. We have a simple steel mesh welded into a frame with a bug screen on the inside so we can leave the companionway open for ventilation when we are off the boat or sleeping but have it fully secured against intrusion. Most of the places we go it probably isn't necessary but there are some high crime areas we will be visiting.

Nearly full moon rising over the Boatyard.

Lunch with Jim and Jean Upson.

One of the spectacular sunsets over the Boatyard.

Our big events were the times we met with family and friends before shoving off. Nearly everyday we had lunch or dinner with friends. Often several different ones on the same day. One recent weekend we drove to Pennsylvania and met my college classmate Mike Campbell and his delightful wife Hannah. Then we continued to Wilkes Barre to meet grandson Alex. The next day we spent the afternoon with my sister in Lancaster and dinner with two of my sons; Justin and Jonathan.

Mike and Hannah Campbell.

Justin and Jonathan.

Seeing old friends and falling back into portions of our previous lives provides a siren's song to days past and a fleeting thought about how it would be nice to do the things we did for years. But, the reality of what we are doing now is so much nicer. With any luck we leave tomorrow to head on down the Bay as the first step to an extended journey.

We've been here long enough it's time to move on from where we've been.

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