We left Nantucket very early Sunday because we knew it would be a long trip to Block Island. In addition to being long it was slow and tiring. We left Nantucket on a falling tide but it soon turned and we began slogging our way against current that would last for most of the day. Additionally, there wasn't much wind in the morning but as we rounded the top of Martha's Vineyard it built and stayed int he 15-20 kt range most of the day. If we could have sailed it would have been great but it was not even far enough off the nose that the sails could be much help. The heavy winds also generated heavy chop which was also right on the nose. So slogging against the tide, wind and chop we could only motor about 5 kts when we usually zip along between 7-8 kts.
Sunday was a busy day on the water for the Coast Guard and rescue agencies. For most of the afternoon the radio hummed with crisis conversations from boaters in crisis to rescuers feverishly trying to locate them. At one point there was even a "mayday" call because of a power boat on fire. It was one of the busiest I can recall.
So we made it into Block Island just before sunset and were able to get a mooring which is unusual in the summer. But, we're finding that the summer crowds have gone since kids are back in school making this week a little more pleasant with fewer obnoxious events occurring around us.
Since we didn't make our usual Sunday breakfast on Sunday we made it today on Monday. We started the day slow and relaxing to make up for yesterday. After getting caught up we dinghied ashore to explore.
Just down the road from the marina was the Harbor View Inn. A very classical looking group of buildings with commanding views of the center low part of the island.
Several views of downtown.
And a couple of the beach. Can't believe anyone is in the water. It's only 70.